Dance Online Expertise


Product Details

How it works ?

1- You are not one of Members ? By using the Dance Online Program, you become a Premium Member and get access to Dance Online videos on your Private page that we will create here on our website.

2- You send us your Video by email (Dropbox or TransferNow) so we can analyze it to help you understand what or where you did not do good enough from our perspective, so you can work on what you're essentially missing, in order to improve your knowledge on how to get your Dancing to the Next Level.

3- we post your video back on your Private page here.

4- We both use our Tidio Live Chat tool to keep in touch

5- You can use our Training program to have more advices and more videos.


We do not provide Choreography, ONLY Routine.
Please, understand that the Dance Online Program is very Personal and CAN NOT be shared with other students who are Not Registered !

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