Dance Online Creation
How it works ?
Dance Online Creation is a Master CLass oriented Program that we give to Instructors Mostly, to open up to more understanding of the Routine Process, but also to help instructors being more accurate on how to create an 'Aparima or 'Ote'a Routine.
DANCE ONLINE CREATION is a series of 4 videos.
1- You are not one of Members ? By using the Dance Online Program, you become a Premium Member and get access to Dance Online videos on your Private page that we will create here on our website.
2- WE SEND YOU or You Send Us the Music and Video by email (Google Drive or TransferNow).
3- YOU SEND US BACK your video by email (Google Drive or TransferNow).
4- we post your video back on your Private page here.
5- You can use our Training program to have more advices and more videos.
We do not provide Choreography, ONLY Routine.
Please, understand that the Dance Online Program is very Personal and CAN NOT be shared with other students who are Not Registered !